# On The Gospels Origins In [[Trankle1974-ve.|Adversus Marcionem Book 4]] Tertullian argues that the Church has the true Gospel that they know to be from Matthew The Apostle, Mark The Apostle, Luke The Apostle, and John The Apostle while he pursues his argument that Marcionem has edited Luke and has presented a false Gospel > [!quote] [[Trankle1974-ve.|Adversus Marcionem Book 4]] >"...The same authority of the apostolic churches will afford evidence to the other Gospels also, which we possess equally through their means and according to their usage----I mean the Gospels of John and Matthew----whilst that which Mark published may be affirmed to be Peter's whose interpreter Mark was. For even Luke's form of the Gospel men usually ascribe to Paul . And it may well seem that the works which disciples publish belong to their masters. " Based on Tertullian account of traditions, this shows that even up to the late 3rd century the Church was still confident in the Gospels and the message of salvation contained within them.