In the Bible, worship is an act of reverence and adoration that is reserved exclusively for God. This is evident throughout both the Old and New Testaments, where worship is directed towards God alone. For instance, Jesus states, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only” (Matthew 4:10), quoting the old testament.
> [!bible]+ [Deuteronomy 6:13 - ESV](
> 13. It is the LORD your God you shall fear. Him you shall serve and by his name you shall swear.
%% #Deuteronomy %%
There are two words that the Greek use for worship in the Bible. The Greek word most commonly translated as “worship” in the New Testament is *προσκυνέω* (**proskuneó**). While the Greek word *λατρεύω* (**latreuó**), which means “to serve” or “to worship,” is used to describe the service and devotion that is due to God alone (TDNT 4:62, latreuo, Strathmann).
## 1. proskuneó
***proskuneó*** is derived from two Greek words: “pros” (towards) and “kuneó” (to kiss). It literally means “to kiss towards” or “to kiss the hand” as a gesture of reverence. *Proskuneó* is used to describe acts involving physical gestures such as kneeling or prostration. It signifies a deep respect and adoration, whether directed towards God, Jesus, or even human figures of high rank. In the context of worshiping Jesus, *proskuneó* implies recognizing His divine authority and offering Him the reverence and adoration that is due to God. This is evident in passages where individuals worship Jesus without rebuke, indicating that such worship is appropriate and accepted.
- **Examples in Scripture**: In Matthew 2:11, the Magi worshiped Jesus as a child. The disciples worshiped Jesus after He calmed the storm (Matthew 14:33:). In John 9:38, the man born blind worshiped Jesus after being healed. In Hebrews 1:6, God commands all angels to worship Jesus.
> [!important]+ Jesus is worthy of proskuneó
> ![[Jesus Is Worthy Of proskuneó]]
## 2. ***Latreuó***
*Latreuó* means to serve or minister, especially in a religious context. It is often used to describe the service or worship rendered to God. *Latreuó* is used to describe acts of worship and service to God. It emphasizes the aspect of serving God as an act of worship. In Biblical Greek, *latreuó* is **always** offered positively to God or, in a negative sense, to heathen gods ([[Moulton1930-mj]]).
- **Examples in Scripture**: In Romans 12:1: Paul writes, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” The phrase “service of worship” is derived from “latreuó.”
> [!success]+ Jesus is worthy of latreuó
>![[Jesus is worthy of latreuó]]