The concept of Jesus Christ's divinity is a fundamental aspect of Christian theology. For those new to this topic, it's essential to understand how the Bible itself portrays Jesus not merely as a historical figure or prophet, but as God in human form. This understanding is drawn from various passages that collectively paint a picture of Jesus' unique divine nature and authority. The divinity of Jesus Christ is not only affirmed in the New Testament but is also foreshadowed in the Old Testament. ## YAHWEH to Come In Christian theology, The Hebrew scriptures that collectively anticipate a Messiah with divine attributes. They introduces the idea that the Old Testament is not just predicting a figure of political or moral significance but one of spiritual and divine essence. These prophecies set the stage for the New Testament's portrayal of Jesus. For instance, the book of Isaiah speaks of a child who will be born, bearing titles like "**Mighty God**" and "**Everlasting Father**" ([Isaiah 9:6]( This child would be named Immanuel, literally "God with us". ([Isaiah 7:14]( The prophet Jeremiah promises this king would be from David's line, who will be called "The LORD [YAHWEH - יהוה] our righteousness," ([Jeremiah 23:5-6]( [Micah 5:2]( calls him the "whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.", linking him to God himself ([Daniel 7:9]( [Psalm 110:1]( portrays a figure seated at God's right hand, a position of unparalleled honor that surpasses earthly kingship. The later chapters of Isaiah contributes significantly to the Christian understanding of God's divine nature. [Isaiah 48:16]( stands out as a passage where the divine LORD [YAHWEH - יהוה]], mentions being sent by the LORD [YAHWEH - יהוה], alongside the Spirit, suggesting a multi-personal nature of God, which Christians later understand as the Trinity. Perhaps the most striking is the vision in [Isaiah 6:1-10]( Here, Isaiah sees the LORD [YAHWEH - יהוה] sitting on a high and exalted throne filling the temple, with the seraphim calling out about His holiness and glory. The Gospel of John references this vision directly ([John 12:41](, saying that that Isaiah saw Christ's glory, making him God in this passage. > [!example] Jesus Was In The Old Testament > - [[Isaiah Saw The Glory Of Christ]] > - [[The Gospels Say Jesus is the God Of Isaiah]] > - [[The Revealed Identity Of The Angel Of The Lord]] ## God Became Man In Jesus In the New Testament, affirming Jesus' divine status are various narratives and teachings in the New Testament. [Matthew 1:23]( introduces Jesus as "Emmanuel," or "God with us," from [Isaiah 9:6]( and [Isaiah 7:14](, who is also described as "Mighty God" with the same wording applied to God himself in[Isaiah 10:20]( In John's Gospel Jesus is described as the eternal Word, existing with God from the beginning and being divine Himself ([John 1:1]( John gets this from the Old testament, where the Word is [YAHWEH - יהוה] manifesting in a visible form ([Genesis 15](; [Jeremiah 1](; [1 Samuel 3:1](; [Ezekiel 1]( In [John 5:17-18](, Jesus equates His actions and being with God. Jesus is presented as "God" in doxologies and titles though the rest of the New Testament ([Romans 9:5](; [Titus 2:13](; [2 Peter 1:1](; [Jude 1:25]( This divinity is explicitly acknowledged by Thomas in [John 20:28](, where he addresses Jesus as "my Lord and my God," a declaration that Jesus does not refute . [Acts 20:28]( speaks of the church being purchased by God [Jesus] with his own blood. [Hebrews 1:8]( affirms Jesus as God by linking him to YAHWEH([Psalm 45:6]( [Colossians 1:15-17]( and[2 Corinthians 4:4]( present Jesus as the very image of God. Jesus is called equal to God in [Philippians 2:6]( Lastly,[Romans 9:5]( and[1 John 5:20]( can be seen as recognizing Jesus as "the true God." > [!Todo] Jesus Is Called God By The First Christians > > - [[The Early Church Fathers Believed Jesus Was God]] > - [[Thomas Said Jesus Was God]] > - [[The Author Of Hebrews Said Jesus Was God]] >- [[Paul Understood Jesus Was God]] > - [[Peter Said Jesus Is God]] > - [[Early Critics Mocked Christians For Believing In A Crucified God]] Throughout Scripture, Jesus consistently claimed to be the Son of God, and this assertion was understood by the Jewish leaders as a claim to equality with God ([John 5:17-23](, [8:58-59](, [10:30-39]( Jesus never denied these claims but affirmed them ([John 5:17-23](,[8:58-59](, [10:30-39](, [19:7](; [Matthew 26:63-65]( and even uses passages like [Psalm 82:6]( to defend the claim. God himself calls Jesus His Son ([Psalm 2:2](, [Mark 1:11]( and His followers also claim this about Jesus as well ([Matthew 14:33](, [16:16](; [John 11:25](; [Romans 8:3-4]( When the Jews confront Jesus in [John 10](, demanding to know if He is the Christ. Jesus asserts that his high status as the Son is based on Him doing the works of His Father: the Father is *in him*. This phrase parallels [Exodus 23:20-21](,where the Name—Yahweh’s Presence—was in the angel of YAHWEH who himself is God ([Genesis 16:7-14](, [22:9-16](, [31:11-13](, [32:24-30](; [Exodus 3:1-5](; [Judges 6:11-24]( This theme continues as Gods name dwells in the temple throughout the old testament ([Ezra 6:12](; [2 Chronicles 6:6](; [1 Kings 5:4-6](, [1 Kings 36:1]( Jesus goes on to say that He and the Father are one ([John 10:30]( and also claims to be "I AM" [ἐγὼ εἰμί], the same God that appeared to Moses ([John 8:58]( . > [!tip] Jesus Claimed To Be God > - [[Jesus And The Claim To Be I AM (ἐγώ εἰµι)]] These assertions lead to accusations of blasphemy from the Jewish leaders, who prepare to stone Jesus for his perceived claim to be God. In his defense, Jesus cites [Psalm 82:6](, arguing that if scripture calls certain figures 'gods', why is it blasphemous for Him, sanctified and sent by the Father, to call Himself the Son of God? He urges belief in him based on his works, evidencing the mutual indwelling of the Father and the Son. These instances, along with His declaration and His affirmation being the figure of [Daniel 7:13]( ([Matthew 26:64](;[Mark 14:62](; [Revelation 1:7]( ultimately lead to his death. However, scripture say that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit all raised Jesus from the dead ([Acts 2:24](; [Galatians 1:1](; [1 Peter 3:18](; [Romans 1:4](, [8:11](; [John 2:19](, [10:17-18](, [11:25](;[Revelation 1:18]( ## Jesus Is Glorified Jesus has many titles that show him to be God Almighty, such as: - **The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning And The End, The First and The Last** ([[Revelation 22:12-13](]( - **The Ancient Of Days** ([Micah 5:2]( - **Creator Of Heaven And Earth** [Hebrews 1:10]( - **The Word Of God** ([John 1:1]( - **King of Kings and Lord of Lords** ([Revelation 17:14](; [Revelation 19:16]( - **He WAS, And IS And IS TO COME.** ([Revelation 1:8]( > [!abstract] Jesus Takes The Titles Of God > - [[Jesus Firstborn And Only-Begotten]] > - [[Jesus Is The Word Of God]] > - [[Jesus Is The Alpha And Omega]] > - [[Jesus's 7 Claims and 7 Signs In John's Gospel]] > - [[Jesus's Seven Divine Statements]] We Find it no surprise then that God is worthy of worship, Jesus was worshiped by all creation in the Bible and though **ALL** of Christian history. > [!Check] At The Name Of God Every Knee Will Bow > - [[Jesus Is Worthy Of Worship]] > - [[The Exalted Holy Name of Jesus]] > - [[The First Christians Worshiped Jesus As God]] The divinity of Jesus Christ is thoroughly affirmed in the Bible, illustrated by His title as the Son of God, with roots in both Testaments. In the Old Testament, prophecies like [Micah 5:2]( and [Isaiah 9:6]( foretell His eternal origins and divine titles, paralleling God's attributes. [Jeremiah 23:5-6]( further supports this with the title "The LORD our righteousness" attributed to a Messianic figure from the line of David. These are reflected in New Testament affirmations of Jesus' divine nature through His actions and words, such as forgiving sins ([Mark 2:5-7](, asserting His pre-existence ([John 8:58](, and declaring unity with the Father ([John 10:30]( His "I Am" statements in John's Gospel are direct claims to divinity([John 8:58-59](,[John 10:30-39](, a claim that Jesus never refuted ([John 5:17-23](,[John 8:58-59](, [John 10:30-39](, [John 19:7](; [Matthew 26:63-65]( In the New Testament, several writers take Old Testament passages that refer to only God alone, and say they are about Jesus instead ([John 12:41]( - [Isaiah 6:1-10](; [John 1:1]( - [Genesis 15](; [Jeremiah 1](; [1 Samuel 3:1](; [Ezekiel 1](; [Hebrews 1:8]( - [Psalm 45:6](;)). The Apostles constantly make Jesus and His name equal with God throughout the New Testament and also call him God Directly ([John 20:28](;[Romans 9:5](; [Titus 2:13](; [2 Peter 1:1](; [Jude 1:25]( The historical evidence demonstrates that early Christian practices and beliefs-such as prayer, baptism, and worship-center on Jesus, demonstrating early recognition of His divinity. His resurrection and ascension seal His divine authority and victory ([John 1:1-3](; [Colossians 1:16](