# Priscilla's letter: Finding the author of the epistle to the hebrews #### (2000) - Ruth Hoppin **Link**:: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=V-kBAAAACAAJ **DOI**:: **Links**:: **Tags**:: #paper **Cite Key**:: [@Hoppin2000-gb] ### Abstract ``` The mystery of the authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews has been the subject of endless debate. The only comprehensive book on the subject, Priscilla's Letter is a scholarly examination of this puzzling New Testament question. Ruth Hoppin presents a meticulously researched case in support of the theory that Priscilla – a woman who was a leader in the early church and an associate of Paul – is ultimately the only suspect who meets all the qualifications for the authorship. Originally published in 1997, Priscilla's Letter disappeared from the market after only five months of promotion and general availability. The author became convinced that her publisher deliberately suppressed the book, presumably under pressure from religious extremists who regard the concept of female authorship of any part of the Bible subversive and intolerable. ``` ### Notes