Welcome to Walk By Sight!
This is a site I have made to be a place to gather evidence for the Bible, defending it as the truth of God revealed to us. With this site I hope to convince you that the Bible is true, that we can trust it and that there is no other book in history that has as much evidence for it as the Bible. Explore the misconceptions surrounding faith in Christianity and how Walk By Sight aims to challenge them. We believe that the Christian faith is not blind or irrational, but rather rooted in the good evidence and reason to trust the Gospel message.
>[!Bible]- Christianity doesn't support a blind faith
> ![[The Bible Tell Us What Faith Is]]
# Recent Submissions
FROM "About The Bible" OR "Christian Theology And Traditions" OR "The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus" OR "The Life Of Jesus" OR "The Supernatural"
WHERE date(today) - file.mtime
WHERE !contains(file.name, "_Index_")
SORT file.mtime DESC
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Evidence Points/Trinity/The Son/The Titles Of Jesus/Titles And Names Of Jesus That Belong To God Alone.md|Titles And Names Of Jesus That Belong To God Alone]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Doctrines/The Deity Of Christ/The Revealed Identity Of The Angel Of The Lord.md|The Revealed Identity Of The Angel Of The Lord]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Evidence Points/Trinity/The Son/The Titles Of Jesus/Revelations Reveals Jesus The Angel Of The Lord.md|Revelations Reveals Jesus The Angel Of The Lord]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Evidence Points/Trinity/The Son/The Titles Of Jesus/Jesus Is The Word Of God.md|Jesus Is The Word Of God]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Doctrines/Trinity/The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit..md|The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Doctrines/The Deity Of Christ/The Divinity Of Jesus Christ.md|The Divinity Of Jesus Christ]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Doctrines/The Deity Of Christ/The Exalted Holy Name of Jesus.md|The Exalted Holy Name of Jesus]]
- [[About The Bible/Evidence Points/How To Read The Bible Notes.md|How To Read The Bible Notes]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Doctrines/The Deity Of Christ/The Early Church Fathers Believed Jesus Was God.md|The Early Church Fathers Believed Jesus Was God]]
- [[Christian Theology And Traditions/Evidence Points/Trinity/The Son/The Attributes Of Jesus/Attributes of God Credited To Jesus.md|Attributes of God Credited To Jesus]]
## Discover Evidence For The Bible
Explore the compelling evidence that supports the claims of the Bible. Our curated collection of submissions with [[_Index_of_Sources|sources]] will help you "walk by sight" - not by blind faith alone.
We use [PaperPile](https://paperpile.com/shared/WalkBySight-t06YVJ3fPQ2C190572SfpuA) to keep up with all our Citations.
> [!Tip] Featured Topics
> ## Did Jesus really exist?
> Is Jesus made up, how can Christians know that Jesus was real if they did not have the Bible?
>> [!example] Jesus Was Real!
>> - [[External Christian Sources About The Life Of Jesus]]
>> - [[External Secular Sources About The Life Of Jesus]]
>> - [[Evidence That Jesus Was Crucified]]
> ## Did The Resurrection Happen?
> Christians say that their religion is based on the claim that Jesus rose from the dead to prove He was God and fulfill Messianic Prophecy. Explore our submissions that take a look into this claim and many more
>> [!example] Yes it did!
>> - [[Belief In The Resurrection Is Reasonable]]
## Ryan and Mariah Herndon
We are not Bible scholars, philosophers, professors, or theologians. We believe in Jesus, based on the evidence of the lives of those who came before us. Because of their witness, we have faith in the Gospel of Christ.