# New Testament Details Externally Confirmed by Christian Sources Sources
- Jesus Was A Real Person (1-10)
- He is God Become man (1,3,8,9,10)
- Born of the virgin [Mary The Mother Of Jesus] (3,5)
- His Father was Joseph (5)
- From The Tribe of Judah (1,5)
- In The City of Bethlehem(5)
- From the Line of David(1,3,5)
- His Birth was recorded by the procurator Cyrenius(5)
- Visited by Arabian Magi after seeing Herod The Great(5)
- Spent time in Egypt (5)
- Baptized by John The Baptist(3)
- Was a wise teacher (1,3,5,7,8,9,11)
- Jesus performed miracles(5,7,9)
- Chose Apostles (1,2,9,10,11)
- Jesus Was worshiped as God (1,2,3,4,5,10,11)
- Jesus was crucified under the rule of Pontius Pilate and Herod Antipas (1,3,4,5,9)
- Jesus lived during the reign of Tiberius Cesar (5)
> [!NOTE]- Sources
> ![[External Christian Sources About Jesus]]
Drawing solely from non-Christian sources dated from the 1st to 6th centuries AD, the figure of Jesus emerges as a historical person whose life closely mirrors the Gospel accounts. These secular references affirm Jesus as a real person born in Bethlehem under Herod the Great, a wise teacher who performed public wonders, and someone who claimed to be and was worshiped as God. Further details such as his trial by Pontius Pilate, crucifixion during Passover at the behest of Jewish leaders, and the occurrence of an unpredicted eclipse and earthquake during his crucifixion are also supported. The accounts also mention the rapid growth of Christianity following Jesus's death and the absence of his body, suggesting that the foundational claims of Christianity are robustly supported even outside Biblical and Christian sources.